NHS Python Community Board

27th July 2021 Meeting Summary

Board Members


  • Alex Cheung - NHSE/I (Chair)
  • Dr Mark A. Bailey -Gloucestershire Royal Hospital
  • Haris Shuaib MPhys MSc MIPEM MFCI - Guy’s & St. Thomas NHS Foundation Trust
  • Juan Adriano - Surrey and Borders Partnership NHSFoundation Trust
  • John O’Connell - NHS South, Central and West Commissioning Support Unit
  • Sophie Williams, PhD -Barts Health NHS Trust
  • Craig R. Shenton, PhD - NHSX
  • Mary Amanuel - NHSX
  • Arouba Zubair - NHSX


  • Jonathan Pearson, PhD - NHSX

Agenda Items

  1. Welcome and Check-in
The Chair welcomed attendees to the board.
  1. NHS.pycom - Community Events
There was an open discussion on ideas surrounding community events and setting 
standards to which types of events the python community wants to host.

The following ideas were considered:

- Exploring data using hackathons and training days

- Connecting individuals with analysts currently using python

- Encouraging collaboration through code sharing and editing

- Approaching journals for an NHS python community editorial

- Blogging on the website
A survey has been sent to pycom members on slack. The results will 
inform us on what kind of events our members want and at which frequency. 
  1. Celebrating success through the website and other channels
Celebrating success by gaining python community badges based on different learning
pathways that follow the Association of Professional Healthcare Analysts (AphA) and 
the Digital, Data, and Technology Profession (DDAT) Frameworks.
The following channels were discussed to celebrate success:

- AnalystX

- Eventbrite to advertise events

- FutureNHS

- Journals

- Podcasts

  1. Slack Feedback
There was a lot of positive feedback regarding slack usage by the community. 
Additional functions in Slack (like polling) were explored to ensure that Slack 
is being used in the most optimal way.
  1. Questions/AOB
The board closed with the following ideas that are still in discussion:
  - Collaborative & Feasible Events Plan
For transparency, it was agreed that board members will have their profiles 
published on the NHS Python Community website.
Next board meeting date: 7th September 2021